Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby-Personal Narrative

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“Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter–tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther…And one fine morning—-So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.” Six years ago I got into my Mothers car after a long day of volleyball practice and was in tears. Being the stubborn but shy little girl I was I refused to tell her what was going on and what had been going on for many, many years before that moment. An hour or two after coming home I dragged myself down the stairs for dinner and part way through my moment came. I abruptly blurted out that I not only wanted, but needed to go to the school that the girl …show more content…

Lunch time came around and so did a handful of new feelings. I walked into the lunchroom with anticipation and feeling of nerves of where I was going to sit. I purposely took extra time so I wouldn't be the first but also not the last to sit down. When I ambitiously walked into the lunch room I looked around and saw everyone sitting by the people they had previously attended grade school with. My heart sank with the realization that I was the only one from my grade school because I had previously attended public school while the other kids attend small, private grade schools that feed into one high school. I someone walked over to another cheerleader in the grade above who I had known had gone to public school to and was just another misfit, I asked to sit and she said yes. I felt like Luis Valdez, sitting alone in the reality I created for myself, “Only this reality is real now, only this place is real, sitting in the lonely cell of your will...” For the rest of the lunch I played on my phone and attempted to talk to the two friends I had left from my previous

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