First Impressions Of Mary Mloney

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Action: Mary Maloney and her characteristics are delineated through actions. Firstly, Mary Maloney is described walking up behind Patrick and “….without any pause she swung the big frozen leg of lamb high in the air and brought it down as hard as she could on the back of his head”. This action shows that Mary was very disappointed and angry about what Patrick said so she felt that she had to hit him. This also shows Mary as a violent woman. Additionally, after she put the meat in the oven “She sat down before the mirror, tidied her hair, touched up her lips and face. She tried a smile. It came out rather peculiar”. This action suggests that Mary is trying to make it look like nothing had happened, sharing her ability to act and trick others. Lastly, while the officers were eating the lamb “Mary Maloney began to giggle”. This displays that Mary was being mischievous and made the officers eat the murder weapon. Her laughter shows that Mary Maloney is being mischievous and tricky. This could indicate that she thinks it is funny to fool others with her gullible statements. Dialogue: …show more content…

Primarily, Mary Maloney welcomes her husband by saying, “Hullo, darling,”. This displays that Mary Maloney is extremely affectionate towards her husband and she is content that her husband has come home. In addition, Patrick Maloney told her to listen and she responds by saying, “What is it, darling? What’s the matter?”. Mary is worried about Patrick and what he is about to say. Moreover, it shows that Mary will always listen to what Patrick has to say. This shows that Mary Maloney is very caring and cannot bear if something horrible has happened to Patrick. Ultimately, Sergeant Noonan tells Mary that the oven is still on and she says “Oh dear me!” This shows that Mary is surprised and is pretending that she forgot about the leg of lamb in the

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