Firefighting Research Papers

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My topic is about firefighting, and some things you could do to to have a better chance of becoming a firefighter. This topic is important to me and maybe others because firefighting is part of my career plan. My opinion on becoming a firefighter from what I have heard is that it would be very beneficial to start at 16 as a junior. Firefighting at age 16 can be very beneficial; however some people can’t due to lack of transportation, support from parents, or just not wanting to put in the time. Junior firefighting even though you have restrictions very beneficial, especially if you want to make a career out of it. From my personal experience there is a decent amount of paperwork which requires parents to sign and a few other personal info …show more content…

“Becoming a firefighter is not an easy task. It takes a great deal of perseverance, patience, persistence, dedication and good old-fashioned hard work to become a firefighter. Nothing in life comes easy; especially when you want to have one of the best careers a person could ever dream to have.” What this quote proves is that it is difficult to become a firefighter. If you don’t have the patience, perseverance, persistence, or dedication, then it would be very difficult to be a firefighter.
Becoming a firefighter isn’t difficult just because of the training it takes but the time it takes to become one. “How long will it take to become a firefighter? That question cannot easily be answered because it really comes down to “what you give is what you get.” Not every person that starts out to become a firefighter ends up becoming a firefighter. For that matter, not every person that ever goes to medical school becomes a doctor; not every person that ever goes to law school ever becomes a lawyer.” What this quote is saying is that just like most things, whatever you put into is what you get out. The time it takes to become a firefighter is to tough on some people and they don’t end up finishing the training to be a

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