Film Fusia In Kellie Martin's Hidden In Silence

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When judging a movie, it is important to consider the characters and how well or unwell they are portrayed. It takes real talent to appropriately capture the true personality of characters. In “Hidden in Silence”, Kellie Martin plays the heroine, Fusia Podgorska, and she did an excellent job obtaining the charisma of this young woman. Fusia’s little sister, Helena, is acted by Gemma Coughlan (“Hidden in Silence”). This young actress gave a great example of the innocence of a child in the midsts of the Holocaust. Isaac Diamant, Max Diamant, and Lubic were three boys who were romantically involved with Fusia at some point throughout the story. Max, acted by Tom Radcliffe, becomes the main man involved with Fusia in the movie (“Hidden in Silence”). …show more content…

The scenes, location, props, language, and wardrobe all considerably contribute to the overall film success. In my opinion, a good film has accuracy in all of the above categories. When I watched “Hidden in Silence”, I saw the attention that went into all of the details. The clothing that the actors and actresses wore matched their culture and time. The vehicles seen in the streets belonged in the time frame of the movie. When the camera showed the inside of the Diamant’s apartment, the decor and furniture depicted the correct era’s lifestyle or homelife. More scenes that showed the accuracy of the film make-up were when Fusia goes from farm to farm gathering food to smuggle into the ghettos for the Diamant family. In order to pay for all of this extra food, Fusia had to get a job. It was not as easy as it is today. She had to go through the German government to get a job in a factory (Martin). The factory scenes helped capture the everyday lives of so many people, from disguised Jews to German supporters and regular Polish people. The most impacting detail was the film’s location. “Hidden in Silence” was actually filmed in the Czech Republic (“Hidden in Silence”). This gives the movie a more European feel because of the scenery of the location. All of these tedious details are what make a film

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