Film Analysis: Life And Debt

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The movie Life and Debt demonstrates how it’s difficult for individuals and communities to be in control of their own health when the entire country is suffering through many financial problems. To begin with, throughout the movie, the narrator compared tourists visiting Jamaica and Jamaican natives. The narrator expresses how much easier tourists have it compared to Jamaicans. Unlike the tourists, most natives are too poor to explore their homeland. Natives are often jealous of tourists because they have all this money to live easily, while natives are too poor that they can barely get by. The Jamaican’s economic market can be blamed for why majority of their people are living in poverty. The reason for Jamaica’s debt is because the country …show more content…

The debt payed a toll in the health of the country because the country hasn’t built any hospitals since they can’t afford it. Seeing this, I realize how difficult it is to be in command of your own health when you’re living in poverty. It’s not the individual’s fault that they can’t be in command of their own health. The country’s government and economy will affect an individual’s ability to receive health care. For example, Jamaica is to blame for a decline in health when they refuse to build hospitals. In addition, individuals must make sacrifices to be in command of their own health. There was a clip in the movie where some people are going through the landfill, trying to find food to eat. If they had money to buy good, clean food in the grocery store, they wouldn’t have to go through garbage. In the movie, many Jamaicans work at Freezones. The workers are working under stressful environments since they’re under pressure to work fast, 5 days a week, and only making $1,200 Jamaican dollars, which is only $30 U.S dollars. These people are miserable, but they can’t quit because they’ll be out of work for a year if they do. Last week, we watched “In Sickness and In Wealth”, which talked about how people of lower statuses are more likely to be stressed. Along that, long term stress will damage the brain and It will create further development problems.

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