Feminist Theology Essay

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• Feminist theology is a movement:
 stirs up feminist critical consciousness
 causes to see the importance of ‘interacting with the Bible and Christian theological traditions’ .
 Analyses about the male-dominated imagery, concept, methods and androcentric language, social structure including some biblical texts which are ambivalent .
• K. O’Connor highlights that feminist biblical interpretation challenges women to demand for their own right and for gaining recognition from their contemporary society, in which women are not centre.
 To seek and empower women to be safe from violence.
• Feminist theology reconsiders about traditional practices in church such as demand for an increase the role of women in church leadership and other religious authorities.
• The change is …show more content…

1:26-28) .
 Degrading women was not God’s plan, ‘patriarchalism was…transcended in the OT legislation’ .
• ‘Feminist interpretation begins from the conviction that women are as fully human as men and are intellectually, morally and spiritually as strong as men.’
 The implication of creating a woman is to become a helper עֵ֖זֶר (Gen 2:18 WTT) to man.
--- The Hebrew term may not be taking a helper to play a subordinate role as in the English ‘helper’ can have.
--- For example, at Ex. 18:4, Moses proclaimed and referred God as עֵ֖זֶר helper .
 The author centralised his story ‘from a male perspective and intended for a male audience’ from a patriarchal socialization.
 There were examples like Tamar who challenge to work towards the goal as a full integrated being by breaking through the tradition.

2.2 Aspects Of Feminism In The Scripture
• Mary Daly ‘moved from a reformist position – the conviction that the Bible and religious communities could be purged of their bias against women – to a revolutionary

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