Feminism In Elie Wiesel's 'Night'

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13. EXT. JAVIER'S LOFT - MOMENTS LATER (10:10-10:56) On their way back to the car, Liv and Clive discuss the case after he questions Liv about her behavior towards Tasha. Clive does not believe that Lola didn't care about her husband's affair, and insists that it is always the spouse. Clive then receives an email from Ravi, explaining that the angle of the paintbrush suggests that the assailant was at least 6 feet 2. Liv then goes on to tease Clive about his spouse theory as Lola is a petite woman, just like her. 14. INT. MORGUE - DAY (10:57-11:29) Liv enters the morgue to find Ravi sitting with JIMMY, a police sketch artist. Ravi told Jimmy that Liv was looking for a man she has a crush on, and Jimmy agrees to help them, after revealing an uncomfortable …show more content…

He also tries to reassure Liv by explaining that the man Blaine was chasing was trying to mug him when he "ragged out," or as Liv calls it, "full-on zombie mode." Blaine and Liv go on to share a bit of their personal experiences with death and its downsides such as the solitude, the unfortunate taste of brains, and the lack of taste in anything else. Suddenly, Ravi walks in. Not scared, not panicked or even surprised. Just impressed that Liv was able to capture Blaine's historic chin in her sketch. And then asks Blaine for his urine. 17. INT. MORGUE - MOMENTS LATER (17:38-18:35) As a dead woman lies on an autopsy table, Blaine sits on another as Ravi checks every inch of his body. Blaine agrees, hoping it will help Ravi find a cure. Blaine goes on to explain that he was turned during the boat party, and, unaware he is responsible for Liv's transformation, asks how it happened for her. Liv tells him, and Blaine seems to feel awful, offering to throw himself in front of a bus if only he wasn't sure he would survive it. Blaine then accidentally knocks down a tray, triggering… ZOOM IN on Liv's eye. 18. INT. JAVIER'S LOFT - MEMORY

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