Female Slave Women

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Life of an Enslaved Woman before the Civil War Although most slaves lived terrible lives, female slaves had a much heavier burden to carry regarding the fact that they had two things against them, they were female and they were Negros. They were subject to rape, medical experimentation, and sexual violence considering they were an easy target for their slave owners. In order to overcome their trials and tribulations female slaves tended to stick together, being there for one another when one is going through a rough time or a difficult situation. This sister hood helped the women to be able to push through life without giving up, knowing they had each other to lean on. Certainly the women had conflicts among themselves, but that just made them stronger and it also made them realize the bigger picture in mind, freedom. In the book “Incidents of a Slave Girl” by Harriet Jacobs it states, “.Slavery is terrible for men; but it is far more terrible for women. Superadded to the burden common to all, they have wrongs, and sufferings, and mortifications peculiarly their own.” First and foremost, the most prevailing situations that most female slaves were subject to was rape and …show more content…

Enslaved healers and midwives were the ones that were mainly present throughout the whole pregnancy journey, unless it was a complicated journey, where a doctor had to be present and involved. Enslaved women wanted to control their pregnancy as much as they could, without the interference from slaveholders. After giving birth, the women were watched closely to see if they could return back to work in a timely manner. These women did not have a peaceful pregnancy considering they had to continue to work and even after birth they were rushed to recover to get back to

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