Female Characters In The Great Gatsby

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In the Great Gatsby there were 3 main female characters. There’s the successful woman that everyone admires, the independent one, then there’s the one who only cares for money. Daisy Buchanan, Jordan Baker, and Myrtle Wilson, and they formed a major part in the story line.
Daisy Buchanan is a wealthy woman from Louisville, Kentucky. She was popular, and was known as a beautiful individual. She was attracted by officers in World War I. She then met Jay Gatsby, and fell in love with him, he was also one of the officers. While Gatsby was at war, Daisy’s parents pressured her into marrying Tom Buchanan. Shortly, after they are married he begins to cheat on her. Daisy is treated poorly by Tom Buchanan, he doesn’t care about Daisy’s feelings, as

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