Macbeth Fear Essay

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Fear is an unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain or a threat. William Shakespear does not always use this definition of fear exactly how it is portrayed in this definition. He tends to veer off a bit.Throughout the play, he portrays fear as many different things. He uses fear in a way most people cannot understand but then helps explain them through these literary elements; imagery, symbols, diction, etc. Picking apart, paraphrasing, and constructing viable conclusions we can find the deeper meaning behind his literature.
“Good sir, why do you start and seem to fear/ things that do sound so fair?” (1.3.51-53). Banquo is basically asking Macbeth why he is scared of something that …show more content…

She also tells him that he's making ridiculous faces, so that he reminds her of a woman telling a scary story that she heard from her grandmother then, not realizing that he was the only one who saw the ghost, he tells his guests that he's starting to question himself: "you can behold such sights, / And keep the natural ruby of your cheeks, / When mine is blanched with fear" (3.4.113-115). He thinks that anyone would be frightened by such a sight, and he's wondering why he's the only one who feels fear. All of this just creates more astonishment in his guests, and Lady Macbeth gets them out of the room as quickly as she can, before they can ask too many questions. Just before Macbeth goes to visit the witches, Hecate orders them to make illusions that will make Macbeth "spurn fate, scorn death, and bear / His hopes 'bove wisdom, grace, and fear" (3.5.30-31). Hecate knows that fear is your friend and that its opposite is dangerous. "yet I'll make assurance double sure, / And take a bond of fate: thou shalt not live; / That I may tell pale-hearted fear it lies" (4.1.83-85). Macbeth is going to murder Macduff, to make sure that fate keeps its promises. That way he can prove that he's not afraid of either fate or

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