Fate In Julius Caesar Research Paper

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Fate or choice? This question has been heavily debated throughout history and there has not been a definite answer on whether fate or choice has more of an impact ever since the question was first asked. In William Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, there are numerous examples of fate and choice. It is a combination of these two that led to Julius Caesar’s untimely death and the following war. The role of fate played a major role in the play The Tragedy of Julius Caesar. The first major occurrence of fate was the infertility of Calphurnia. This is shown when Caesar wanted Calpurnia to stand in front of Antony. Caesar says “Forget not in your speed, Antonius,/To touch Calphurnia, for our elders say/ The barren, touchéd in this holy chase,/ Shake off their sterile curse” (I, ii, 8-11). This shows that Calpurnia is barren and that Caesar and Calphurnia are looking for an heir, but have no luck in finding one. …show more content…

All three times he made the choice to reject the crown, even though his temptation to accept it grew with each time it was offered to him. This shows how Caesar still made choices, and that everything was not just fate for him. Another part where choice played a major role in the play is when Julius Caesar chose to go to the capitol on the ides of March. Here, he made the choice to disobey the soothsayers warnings, he also chose to go against Calphurnia’s and the priests judgement, and he also brushed off Artemidorus’ warning to him . “What touches us ourself shall be last served” (III, i, 8). Here, Caesar is seen pushing away the warnings of Artemidorus, as he is in public and he is trying to maintain his image of being an unselfish person. This could be thought of as the last choice that Caesar made before his death. Choices can impact the future drastically, and because of that, one should always think about the choices they will make and think about all the possible

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