Fast Break, Fantasy League: Book Summary

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Some similar works done by the author are Fast Break, Fantasy League, QB 1, True Legend, Safe at Home, Game Changers, Long Shot, Million-Dollar Throw, Heat, Shoot-Out, Travel Team, and Two-Minute Drill. The major characters in this book are Brian (Batboy), Hank (Baseball Player), and Mom (Brian's Mom). This book took place in Brian's hometown. The atmosphere of this book is excited/confident. This book is told in the view of 1st person. The boy in the story, Brian Dudley and his father Cole Dudley, who used to pitch in the major leagues always go to Detroit Tiger games and sit in section 135. Cole Dudley was obsessed with baseball, so obsessed that he left his family and moved to Japan to be a pitching coach. For Brian it was rough facing that his own dad …show more content…

Brian was so happy he got the job and was very excited when school was over with and that summer has started. Brian’s mom, Liz Dudley is a main character in the book. Liz Dudley used to like baseball just like Brian and his father Cole. Then when Cole Dudley left Liz and Brian Dudley, Liz Dudley then stopped watching baseball because it thought of her husband Cole. Even though she does not like baseball, Liz Dudley would still attend to Brian’s baseball games. Another major character is Hank Bishop. Hank Bishop is Brian’s favorite player. Unfortunately though Hank Bishop made some bad decisions in his life and got caught using steroids by the MLB and got suspended, plus he had no one to play for. But then the Detroit Tigers picked him up and Brian was really excited to hear the news. Another character in the book is Brian’s best friend Kenny. Kenny was the pitcher for the sing and he was the best pitcher on the team. Another character in the book is Finn. Finn is another one of the batboys Brian meets. The

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