Fashion Affect Society: The Impact Of Fashion In Our Society

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Today’s topic is going to be about fashion affecting society. Every person has different opinions on how this works. First of all fashion trends is making people go wild. Literally not everyone but some are getting wrong ideas. Parents are complaining on why their kids are not focusing in school. Fashion is the reason why their brains aren’t focused on learning the attention is all on fashion. Why are people feeling uncomfortable with themselves? Well there being judgmental. Fashion is a whole other story when things start to be in issue.

Changing trends and values are on another level. People are too focused on how they want to dress and change their whole closet for a better style. But do they know that they are making the wrongly choices. …show more content…

Money is being spent on unnecessary things. There are important things in life that needs to be solve and use money wisely. “Gucci or Nike brands are expensive, these brands make people go crazy”. Many of people like to follow the same steps of others. An example is if someone were to see somebody else have like a Gucci bag or something that other person is going to want it to. Some people try so hard to try to find a way to get more money to own at least one brand. Believe it or not people do go through things to get what they want. “Spending your money on something useless is wrong and people should give reasons on how this can affect you”. In fact it is not worth buying, you don’t need a brand to be popular. They are people in the word who don’t have what they want. They grew up not wealthy and are feeling a shame because they can’t get what we …show more content…

Clothes are being blamed or social disturbances and issues. Fashion is sometimes immoral, it is hard to tell but it’s true. “What we feel clothes should be criticize is the fact that often they create a hierarchy”. Fashion affects the social aspects. It diverts people attention from other important activities and the self-esteem of people. People who cannot afford certain fashionable items can diminished self -esteem. “Fashion has been the center of intersecting perspectives and different views that cause diverse scandals”. Some people believe fashion is harmful because they’re in the latest fashion like others. Which creates society to make an appearance being more valued that character. The reason for all this is because it’s being interacted with gender roles and social class. The way fashion going around it is showing the wrong way. In my opinion, fashion should not be the center of attention. The world needs to be focusing on their life more instead of thinking about clothes. Each and every person has their own perspectives about

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