False Imprisonment In A Civil Case

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False imprisonment can be defined as illegally or unlawfully restraining someone against their will. In order to restrain someone you must have the legal right or justification to do so. Working in the banking industry, a good example of false imprisonment can be if someone comes in to rob the bank and the bank robber threatens to start shooting customers if they do not do as they say. Because the customers fear for their lives, they abide by the robber’s orders. Therefore, the robber not only will face bank robbery charges but can also be charged with false imprisonment of the customers involved. The customers of the bank can possibly sue the robber and claim damages for false imprisonment. False imprisonment can also occur inside your home. This crime applies to any individual the proceeds to impede someone’s movement without their permission can be charged with false imprisonment. False imprisonment can result in a civil or criminal case. False arrest is similar to false imprisonment in that false arrest is when a person is arrested without the right to do so. However, once that person has been taken into custody it then has become a case of false imprisonment. …show more content…

In order to prove a claim of false imprisonment in a civil case you must be able to provide evidence that someone willfully detained you without your consent in an unlawful manner. The crime of false imprisonment does not always involve physical force, it can be as simple as locking someone in a house or a car for an unreasonable amount of time. A claim of false imprisonment really boils down to a person’s intent to unlawfully restrain another person against their will. Also the person being restrained must reasonably believe that they are being restricted from leaving. It is up to the courts to decide the reasonableness of the

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