False Confessions In The Crucible

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Puritans was strict about religion and church attendance. Fear is sometimes good, in that it keeps you alert. False confessions happen because the accused get scared and intimidated. The crucible was started over one girl’s feelings and resentment. Fear ties into false confessions, puritan life in the Crucible, and the Village. Puritan communities were your plain everyday people. “Here, she said to herself, had been the scene of her quilt, and here should be the scene of her earthly punishment; and so per chance, the torture of her daily shame would at length purge her soul, and work out another purity than that which she had lost; more saint-like because the result of martyrdom.”(Nathaniel Hawthorne.3;5) Hester decides to serve her punishment and seek …show more content…

“More than 1 out of 4 people are wrongly convicted but is not proven until later examination of DNA.” Many factors that can contribute to a false confession is duress, coercion, intoxication, diminished capacity, mental impairment, ignorance of the law, fear of violence, the actual infliction of harm, the threat of a harsh sentence, misunderstanding the situation, and etc. “Timothy Bridges, who wrongly served over 25 years for a rape and burglary charge, based in large part on the erroneous testimony of an FBI-trained state hair analyst who claimed that Bridges’ hair linked him to two hairs found at the scene. His lawyer later discovered materials that showed police and informants and made other threats to the informants. The Crucible was all a game until people started dying. “Abagail uses her authority to create an atmosphere of fear and intimidation.” She wanted John and to get him she thought Elizabeth, his wife, would have to die at all costs. “Twelve had been hung and seven in prison sentenced to hang.” The bad thing about it was, none of them were

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