Fall Prevention Research Paper

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One of the major risks that are associated with health as a person grows older is how much the likely to fall. This may not be a disease, yet it could lead to serious injuries. As a person grows older, he/she becomes physically weak to an extent that they are overburdened under their own weight. In these circumstances, these old aged people have developed the likeliness of falling. It is high time that these risks are prevented from happening. (Balzer, 2012). The main causes include balance disorders, faintness, vertigo, environmental risks, misperception, visual loss, and hypotension and Parkinson disease. Picot Question P: Adults above 50 years. I: falls to be prevented through proper fall prevention programs. C: complete prevention from injuries in old age O: decrease in the rate of falls among adults. T: 2 years. The main problem of falling is observed to be present among adults who are of more than fifty years of age. The problem lies in lack of physical ability and internal weakness among this population. Falling can lead to various injuries such as fractures, sprains, and permanent inability to move. Evidence based solution …show more content…

This may include for that person to rely on inappropriate medicines, not watching where he/she is going, not using rubber based sole and not being physically active or strong (Balzer, 2012). Proper prevention methods are to be taken in order to eradicate this risk once and for all. There is clear evidence based solution that is manages exercise program in home and walking practice under the qualified health care professional it can prevent falls among older community residents (Balzer, 2012). The evidence based care for patient’s high risk of fall is vital in recognizing more efficient treatments and physical therapy to prevent injury, and to ensure optimal patient

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