Negative Effects Of Fairy Tales

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Fairy tales have been prevalent throughout our culture for well over a century, found in in books, films, and plays. These stories are everywhere, but few people think about the effects these fairy tales could be having on people, especially young boys. If you take a closer look at these tales you’ll find several negative impacts that fairy tales have on young boys. The negative effects of fairy tales are that they teach young boys to be abusive towards women, they either portray men as either unrealistically masculine or as incompetent fools that will need to be rescued by the unrealistically masculine hero, and finally they perpetuate the falsehood that as long as you are either rich or of royal descent, you will be able to get whatever it is that you want. The first and of the biggest negative effects of fairy tales is that they teach young boys that even if they’re abusive toward women, the women will still fall in love with them. A prime example is the 1991 Walt Disney film, Beauty and the Beast. The film shows the Beast either ignoring her completely or verbally abusing her for doing something wrong. Eventually though Belle still falls in love with him and is even marries him. This film gives impressionable young boys the idea that they can treat women poorly and that it is okay because …show more content…

The most harmful effects of such tales include teaching boys to be abusive towards women, portraying men as either unrealistically masculine or as incompetent fools, and finally they perpetuate the falsehood that as long you 're rich or of royal descent then life will always work out for you. While teaching fairy tales to young boys may not have many short term consequences, the long term consequences include negative views towards women in general and the world as a whole when things inevitably don 't go as they had

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