Failed Relationships In Othello

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Communication in a relationship is very important for very many reasons. Throughout the play Othello, William Shakespeare suggests that without communication a relationship will most likely fail. When relationships fail, it leads to a very sad and bad break up. Whether the relationship is with a parent, sibling, family member, friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, coworker, or boss the failure to communicate will lead to a failure in the relationship.
Othello and Desdemona are a perfect example of failure of communication in a relationship. Othello believes every lie Iago is telling him which makes Desdemona look really bad. Othello doesn't ever go up to Desdemona and ask her about the handkerchief or about her recent, secretive relationship with Cassio. Othello just assumes that Iago is right about it all and doesn’t even bother to talk to Desdemona or Cassio. “Sweet soul, take heed, take heed of perjury. Thou art on thy deathbed.” (5.2.239). He decides he is now going to kill Desdemona because of everything she has done, or he thought she did. He could've prevented all the killings and drama from happening by having a single conversation with Desdemona and maybe even putting a little trust in her. Failure to …show more content…

Though Cassio was not the one who got himself drunk or started a fight with Montano, Othello decided to believe what Iago was leading him to believe. But Othello decided to believe everything Iago told him and never gave Cassio a chance to redeem himself. If Othello should have communicated with the others about Cassio or waited until Cassio was sober enough to defend himself. If he would have done that, his friendship with Cassio would still be present, Cassio would still be lieutenant, and their friendship would have been better than ever. (3.3.117). Again, failure to communicate in a relationship will lead to a failure in the

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