Fahrenheit 451 Be Banned

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Fahrenheit 451 is an extraordinary novel written by Ray Bradbury, and is considered to be one of his best works. This well-known classic is a dystopian piece of work, which means that it is a futuristic, fictional, and other worldy society that the people are living in, and they are suffering through a great tragedy. One might think books of this such are too depressing to read, or makes one think too much, but that is exactly what humans need to do. In the novel, it says, “We need to really be bothered once in a while. How long is it since you were really bothered? About something important, about something real?” (Fahrenheit 52) In 2014, Fahrenheit 451 made it to the Banned Books of America website for complaints over “religious beliefs.” It is ironic that a book that is about banning books, was actually banned from a school. This interesting piece of work has in fine print what the society that we live in could be leading towards. …show more content…

I could name probably ten people that I know who have not picked up a book and read it for fun in probably about five years. I also could name probably a hundred people who sit around all day and all night watching Netflix until they simply cannot watch anymore. Sadly, I can honestly say that I fall into this category as well. I have not read a book for fun in three years, and I am always staring at the TV watching Netflix in my spare time. I want to change that disgusting habit. Fahrenheit 451 is so relevant in today’s society that it is scary. People are reading less, and watching television more. Slowly but surely, America is becoming more and more like the sad people in Fahrenheit 451. Reading is an essential part of life, and we must make people remember this important

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