The foreign exchange market is a worldwide decentralized over-the-counter financial market for the trading of currencies. It determines the relative values of different currencies. A local currency is a currency not backed by a national government, and intended to trade only in a small area. Currency is used as a medium of exchange in goods and services. It has vital role in the economy. Because devaluation of a local currency makes its goods relatively cheaper; it increases the capacity of exports. With the decrease in demand for local country’s goods and services, its local currency devaluates and reverse is the case if its volume of exports increases.
The currency exchange rate is one of the important factors which affect balance of payment of a country. A balance of payments (BOP) sheet is an accounting record of all monetary transactions between a country and the rest of the world. These transactions include payments for the country's exports and imports of goods, services, and financial capital, as well as financial transfers. Sources of funds for a nation, such as exports or the receipts of loans and investments, are recorded as positive or surplus items. Uses of funds, such as for imports or to invest in foreign countries, are recorded as a negative or deficit item. Foreign exchange is the methods and instruments used to adjust the payment of debts between two nations that employ different currency systems. A nation's balance of payments has an important effect on the exchange rate of its currency. Bills of exchange, drafts, checks, and telegraphic orders are the principal means of payment in international transactions. Buying or selling foreign currency in order to profit from sudden changes in the rate of...
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Saputo’s business is constantly affected by changes in the exchange rate as the majority of its business takes place outside of Canada. Due to the fact products and cash flows travel internationally, the company is exposed to economic exposures. Exchange exposure affects Saputo in many ways such as the cost of production and demand for their products. Transaction exposure affects Saputo when cash flows from foreign operations into Canada. Saputo is affected by translation exposure when foreign revenue is converted into Canadian dollars for its financial statements.
The net values of Belarus imported goods and services from other countries exceeded its export of goods and service to other countries creating a large Current Account Deficit. The reason Belarus a former Soviet republic scraped the currency trading restriction is due to the fact its political leadership allowed the Belarus national currency ruble to depreciate as part of a strategy to reduce the current account deficit. The unification of the exchange rates will allow the currency market ability to function as before. The overheated economy under a loose monetary policy created this crisis and the difficulties will be overcome by abolishing the restriction on currency trading. The political promise of 50% increase in wages to the government workers have impacted with no real values other than buying foreign currency and goods. According to Arkhipov and Abelsky (2011), abolishing the currency trading restriction is necessary given the current practice of doin...
Wang, Jing 2008, ‘Why Are Exchange Rates So Difficult To Predict’, Economic Letter, Vol. 3, no. 6.
The smaller table shows how strongly the local currency is either undervalued or overvalued against the US dollar. These valuations can be used to predict the appreciation or depreciation of a particular currency. Therefore it could be a reasonable factor to consider for the financial managers. Knowing how a particular currency would move in the future on the foreign exchange markets could prevent the managers from making decisions that might lead to a loss because of the fluctuations of currency in which most of the corporations transactions are settled.
There are various models that have been constructed to describe exchange rate volatility and trade. Clark (1973) is the first to develop a theoretical framework which includes exchange rate volatility in the simple trade model. He focuses on the consequence of exchange rate volatility on the level of country’s export. He considers a representative firm that produces homogenous good under perfect competition and sells its entire products abroad. This firm does not have any importing input and it receives its income in terms of foreign currency (that is, it is facing a price uncertainty). It is also assumed that the firm is paid in foreign currency for its exports and these earnings are sold in the forward exchange
Other types of exchange rate risks are translation risk and so-called hidden risk. The translation risk relates to cases where large multinational companies have subsidiaries in other countries. On the financial statement of the whole group, the company may have to translate the assets and liabilities from foreign accounts into the group statement. The translation will involve foreign exchange exposure. The term hidden risk evolves around the fact that all companies are subject to exchange rate risks, even if they don’t do business with companies using other currencies. A company that is buying supplies from a local manufacturer might be affected of fluctuating foreign exchange rates if the local manufacturer is doing business with overseas companies. If a manufacturer goes out of business, or experience heavy losses, it will affect all the companies it does business with. The co...
...price and devaluation of the domestic currency to bring it back to A from A’ the country has to sell off its Foreign assets.
Finally, currency translation often results in translation adjustments. These adjustments must be recorded on the company’s balance sheet as well. They are mention in the equity section of the balance sheet.
Hong Kong has adopted its current exchange rate system i.e. linked exchange rate system since October 17, 1983. The linked exchange rate system is the cornerstone of the financial system of Hong Kong. The linked exchange rate system ensures that the Hong Kong dollar has a relatively stable value against other currencies. This stability plays an important part in supporting Hong Kong’s role as an international financial center. I’m writing this paper to discuss the operation, costs and benefits of the linked exchange rate system and possible resolution to its problems, and I believe that the linked exchange rate system has performed successfully over the past 30 years.
Exchange rate, interest rate, government policies, price fluctuate resulted in challenge and opportunity for Mercedes-Benz. Risks can be avoided by using derivatives hedging instrument, such as forward contract, interest rate swap, and currency options. Opportunity can be embraced by keep improving towards today standard, such as government policies and managing the supplier risk for better procurement.
(Australian Bureau of Statistics 2012) With so many people travelling oversees, the question of foreign currency is raised quite often. Travellers and businesspeople will have
According to The Star Online, up to 80% of the total group borrowings of RM7.49 billion were denominated in US dollar. Simultaneously, 8% of the total group borrowings were denominated in Euro currency. In other words, the total debt of the group that denominated in US currency worth at US$1.33 billion, approximately cost at RM5.91 billion. The total debt that denominated in Euro currency cost around €129.8 million, approximately cost at RM610.61 million. The high composition of debt in foreign currency caused the group extremely vulnerable to foreign exchange risk. A sensitivity analysis conducted by CIMB Research revealed that IOI could face RM148 million of loss or gain for foreign exchange translation risk with every RM0.10 rise/drop in Ringgit to US dollar exchange rate. Due to substantial losses on foreign exchange translation and fair value loss on derivative loss, the company predicted that the second quarter net profit of 2017 will be dropped by 98% to RM15.6 million, compared to the first quarter net profit recorded at RM703.7 million (Kok, 2017). Thus, foreign exchange risk is considered as high risk for
The foreign exchange market operates by assisting international trade and investment by enabling currency conversion, for example, by allowing a business in one country, to import goods from another country, using a different currency. The foreign exchange policy in Australia also helps in the advancement of profit and national interest of our country. The policies are directed in a way which would help benefit both investors and people of Australia.
As the foundation for the foreign exchange process, exchange rates are one of the most important elements in business, both internationally and domestically. Defined as the rate at which one currency may be converted into another, exchange rates are used by countries in order to purchase products or services from one another. When examining these exchange rates it is important to note that their two distinct types of rates used for global trade: nominal and real.
The foreign exchange market is one of important mechanism in the international business because foreign exchange is an intermediary for all nations in term of the growth of the economy. There are many functions of foreign exchange market in the global economy. In the international business, it uses the foreign exchange markets in four ways. First, the pay...