Exploring The Tragic 'Becaus Poem Titled'

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The prefix “vice” means “one who acts in place of another; a substitute or deputy,” and commonly this prefix is added to titles like “vice-president” or “vice-chairman.” Thus, using the prefix “vice” seems to imply that Adam, who is the “him” in this stanza, can take the position of or become God if anything were to happen to him. Because of the context of the poem and the place in which this is discussed, the pre-fall time, this idea will not work. The term “lieutenant” gives an idea of ranks in the military. The lieutenant is the one who is second in command after the Caption. The place of a lieutenant better describes Adam because God gives him “empire and many privileges,” but Adam still follows and is led by God without the implication that he can overcome or replace God. During this translation, the word “aphoebused” was created to represent the word “febada” which changes the word “Febo” or “Phoebus” into a past tense verb. This creation was made …show more content…

I have often been asked why I would translate this poem because apparently, a text cannot be important if someone has not translated it before. Because of this, completing this translation could seem like a silly task if one fails to see the importance of this poem both in its time as well as the information it can provide us today. Mexía and Clarinda add a work to “New World Literature” that presents medieval knowledge in a unique way that arguably effects later works (Vélez-Sainz 55). Clarinda’s poem presents this knowledge in a way that gives women and the South a place in poetry and knowledge. In a way, Mexía and Clarinda “translated” this medieval knowledge to push forward their own understanding of the concepts as well as introduce their own ideas about the concepts and their importance in their

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