Explore the ways in which the opening of an inspector calls sets the

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Explore the ways in which the opening of an inspector calls sets the

scene and prepares the audience for the downfall of the Birlings and

Gerald Croft

I am going to start my essay by looking at the way in which plays were

written and what theatrical genres were about in J.B Priestley’s day,

as this is likely to give an indication as to which genres influenced


In Priestley’s day, there were four main genres that were performed at

the theatre, these include glamorous musicals, Shakespearian

tragedies, detective thrillers and serious drama like that of George

Bernard Shaw and T.S Eliot. I think that the detective thrillers

influenced Priestley to write “an inspector calls”. Most detective

thrillers, in those days involved one body, six suspects and an

inspector, they then try to find out who done it. These types of plays

are called morality plays.

J.B Priestley fought in World War I and had experienced life in

trenches, which where hell, and was a victim of a gas attack. This

might have been what formed his socialist view. He was not the only

writer to have socialist views after WWI; there were others such as

George Bernard Shaw. Priestley must have realised that if we don’t

care for each other and take responsibility for our actions there will

be more wars, so he wrote the play to send across the message that

people they have to take responsibility for their actions.

The class your family was in, in Edwardian times was very important

and Priestley makes it obvious that this family is an upper class

family from the very detailed stage directions at the beginning of the

play. “The Dining room of a fairly large suburban house, belonging to

a prosperous manufacturer. It has good solid furniture”. From this

quote we can tell that Priestley wants the family to look well off

because he describes their house as fairly big, and calls Mr. Birling

a Prosperous manufacturer which means he is a wealthy person and that

he has a well established business. He also describes their furniture

as good and solid. People in them days could not normally afford solid

furniture, so shows again this family’s wealth.

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