Explication One

604 Words2 Pages

E.E. Cumming's, "A man who had fallen among thieves," shows the difference and meaning of the compassion in Christian love. This entire poem is an allusion to the famous story in the Bible Jesus told of the Good Samaritan. When a person questioned Jesus as to how to be a good neighbor, Jesus told him a story of a man being robbed and left on the side of the road to die. Many citizens and even a priest walked by and saw the man but left him, then there was one "good Samaritan" who dressed the man's wounds and took him to an inn and gave the inn keeper money to look after the robbed man. Done with his story, Jesus asked the man which of the men in the story was the good neighbor and when the man responded with the "Good Samaritan" Jesus told him to go live his life accordingly.
Correspondingly, the poem starts with a man who "had fallen among thieves" being on the "roadside on his back" (1-2). Cummings adds the detail of the man being on his back to show how vulnerable this poor, frail man is and if he doesn't get help soon he might die. Amassing to this horrid opening scene, Cummin...

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