Explanation Of The Song 'Birdland' By Patti Smith

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The song “Birdland” is an obscure punk rock song written and sung by Patti Smith. The song is not typical in its tune as the musician almost sounds as if she is speaking more than singing at some parts. This style of music caused me to listen more closely to the words of the song, and I believe that this effect was intended by Patti Smith to come from this song. “Birdland” is a song about a boy whose father has recently died. He briefly falls asleep and dreams that his father is piloting a spaceship. The boy then sees a flock of birds which he mistakes to be UFOs and thinks his father is up there. He then begins to shout at his dad to take him up and away. The song ends with the boy climbing up onto the back of a raven and going up. During

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