Explain Why We Should Have A Longer School Day Essay

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Everyone in America has to go to school at some point in their life. Most students in California attend school for 6 hours a day. In Adelanto, CA students learn math,science,language arts,history,PE, and an elective during that time.Some students are struggling academically with this kind of schedule.I believe that students would benefit with an 8 hour school day. I think students should have an 8 hour school day. We should have a longer school day because we could get another elective. “A longer school day would allow schools to spend more time on art, music, social studies, science, and physical education,” stated education.seattlepi.com. We should have a longer school day than having another school day. “Davis says largely prefer the extended day rather than the more expensive extended-year approach.(A 2006 study by the Education Commision of the States calculated that adding just a single extra school day in California would cost almost $293 million.)” Stated scholastic.com. We should have a longer school day because we would not have homework. “It could be a homework period. They could get all their homework done if there is longer school days, and teachers wouldn’t worry so much about students not doing homework.” Stated debate.org. These are reasons why we should have an 8 hour school day. …show more content…

Some people would want a shorter school day because we can get home faster. We can get home faster and we could do many after school activities. Another reason why some people want a shorter school day is because they want to do after school activities. They think that they would get to do more after school activities with a shorter school day. Getting home faster would allow you to do the after school activities that you want to do with a shorter school day. A shorter school day could let you fit in extra after school activities , and the activities you want to do that take

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