Explain Why Companies Should Be Held Responsible For The Environment

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IMS Final Essay
Bhopal is name that is unfamiliar to many. However, to the ones who know it, it represents one of the largest tragedies caused by a business in the 20th century. According to a survivor of the disaster, immediately after it happened, “The streets were… crowded as people were running and shouting,” and the next morning, people had to go “collect bodies from the street.” This tragic incident exposed more than half a million people to a toxic gas that was being manufactured at a chemical plant near the city. The plant was a part of Union Carbide, a company that manufactures many chemicals, both dangerous and safe. Many people wanted Union Carbide to be held liable for the damages, while others believed that it was not the company’s …show more content…

This can be viewed in a couple of different ways. Firstly, companies are responsible for the sustainability of the environment. If there’s no environment, there’s nowhere for the global economy to operate. When looking back at some of the larger environmental disasters, such as Bhopal, the BP Oil Spill, and Three Mile Island, it’s clear that the environment was negatively affected in the aftermath. According to a University of Minnesota study, “there have been persistent environmental problems due to improper clean up. Past attempts to decontaminate the environment in and around Bhopal were incomplete. The clean up responsibilities shifted from Union Carbide Industries to the Madhya Pradesh government in 1998. Since this time, money and accountability for the leak have become a problem. As a result, drinking water contamination has become a major issue.” The responsibility for the cleanup of the disaster fell on Union Carbide, but they simply did not take responsibility for it. At the end of the day, if companies take care of the environment, it will help the global economy’s sustainability. Companies can further improve by taking responsibility for the economic impact in affected areas. While it is not a tangible benefit, many consumers prefer companies that take on responsible roles in the economy and the environment. Companies need to take …show more content…

This is to maintain a harmonious relationship between multinational companies and society. This is a tough balance to keep, with businesses always trying to increase profits, and consumers minimizing costs. However, through corporate social responsibility, we as consumers can ensure that companies are held liable for any negative effects they might have on society. According to BusinessNews Daily, "While the tenants of social responsibility will continue to be grounded in tangible, operational elements – such as ethical workplace practices or energy efficiency – companies are now demanded to share more intangible values – such as what they stand for and what they are willing to stand up for.” Furthermore, the same article points out that “more than 60 percent of Americans hope businesses will drive social and environmental change in the absence of government regulation” and “a whopping 76 percent will refuse to buy from a company if they learn it supports an issue contrary to their own beliefs.” This suggests that modern consumers do not rely on outside sources to fix problems they see. They take matters into their own hands. This is perfect for maintaining relationships between corporations and society. It allows open communication to occur both directly and through economic trends driven by consumers. While companies are ultimately responsible for endangering

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