Explain The Term Caucus

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The term caucus means a meeting of a specific partys leaders or supporters to select their candidates for certain movements. A specific group in congress would be the right wing group consisting of approximately 36 members that calls themselves "House Freedom Caucus". This groups goal is to move power away from leadership and make it easier for bills to be passed. The party conference is an annual conference that holds the highest decision making power. At each of these conferences they would elect or nominate the party's leaders and bodys of leadership, decide their party's policys, and set the platform agendas. It is very important that there are many steps that must be taken for congress to pass laws. A bill begins in either the House or the Senate where it is drafted. It is then given to the Speaker of the House and given to a committee. This is where most bills are either trashed or they move forward on to the next steps in the process until they ultimately become a law. All of these steps insure that every side gets to voice their opinion on it. Party unity scores shows that 50 percent of Democrats vote agaisnt at least 50 percent of Repulicans and vice-versa. Its the best measure to show how a party will vote because the majority rules each party. Boehner was expected to bring the two parties together and be a speaker for both. Unfortunatley, he was not able to do this which lead to his step down. He needed to manage not only the …show more content…

These elections mean the most to the American people because it shows just how well members of both parties feel the president is doing. These elections are for 1/3 of the Senate and all of the House of Representatives. If we dont like it, we change it. That why America is the greatest country and shows just how equally fair it can be through every

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