Existentialism In I Heart Huckabees: The Importance Of Personal Beliefs

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The universe we inhabit seems to be an atypical one; some individuals deal with its foolishness by surrounding themselves with faith, while others neglect all its significance. Existentialism, however, ushers us down a unique course that obscures these views toward one unique belief structure. Even though we can encounter circumstances that are out of our control, we do have the ability to control how we deal with said circumstances and whether or not we choose to develop importance from them. The hunt for our true meaning is primitive and so are the answers that have maintained it throughout history. Certainly, life does not have a definite fixed meaning to it; it is up to each individual to discover their own relative objective and achieve their own happiness. This is precisely what Existentialism suggests, that it is not likely to know reality, thus it is up to the individual to discover his or her own, and then create their own meaning. …show more content…

In the movie “I Heart Huckabees,” Existentialism plays a crucial role in searching for the ultimate truth of oneself. Existentialism is a philosophical point of view that stresses the individual’s unique position as a self determining agent (Academic). It also emphasizes the importance of free will, freedom of choice, the unique experiences of each individual, and the responsibilities of one’s choices and what one makes of oneself (Rooney). During the movie, the Existential detective, Jaffe explains to Albert that dismantle is “to help shut down your everyday perceptions and give up your usual identity that you think separates you from everything. This room, this street, this town, this country, this economy, this history, this planet. Your body, your senses, your job. Everything that you identify with” (I Heart Huckabees). The characters from “I Heart Huckabees” attempt to destroy themselves by accepting and recognizing their troubles to get to their necessary

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