Examples Of Power In Macbeth

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Power has been known to cause individuals to do strange things. Throughout history this has been shown to occur. A comparison of the way Lance Armstrong, former professional cyclist and seven time Tour de France winner, and Macbeth, Thane of Cawdor in Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Macbeth, went to drastic measures to achieve power demonstrates how the themes of Macbeth are still relevant today because they speak the truth of human nature. Achieving in life is a common strive that most people have. This strive may be similar to Macbeth who wanted more than anything to be king. At the beginning of Shakespeare’s play, Macbeth says, “If chance will have me King, why, chance may crown me, without my stir (I, iv, 44).” This quote demonstrates how much Macbeth valued being king and ended up doing almost anything to try to achieve it. In …show more content…

Macbeth was wanted dead after others realized what he had done. He ended up fighting till his death against Macduff. Before Macbeth was killed, he said, “Lay on, Macduff; and damned be him that first cries “Hold, enough!” (V, viii, 33).” If Macbeth never committed the murders he wouldn’t have been killed. Lance Armstrong wasn’t killed for his actions but everything important that he gained was taken away from him. In Armstrong’s bio, it reads, “Shortly after the release of the USADA findings, the International Cycling Union (cycling’s governing body) supported the USADA’s decision and officially stripped Armstrong of his seven Tour de France victories (Lance). “ Those winnings were the staple of Armstrong’s career and now he no longer holds those titles. Armstrong’s actions caused him to lose everything he worked hard to gain. He also lost all respect that others had for him, just as Macbeth did. The actions we make in life can cause others to view us in a different light. Both Macbeth and Armstrong will never be viewed in the same way as

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