Examples Of Poverty In The Great Gatsby

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There is an impression that has been built over the years that poor people do nothing but sit around and feel bad about themselves. Gina Rinehart, one of the world’s wealthiest women, tells the poor not to “‘just sit there and complain,’ [and] spend less time drinking or smoking and socializing, and more time working’” (Ellin). These impressions on the poor do not reflect on the actual reason as to why many are failing to find success. Underprivileged individuals are very capable of accomplishing their goals, it is just that they do not “have the repertoire of necessary responses. It is as though their brains' ‘emotional keyboards’ play only a few notes” (Jensen). The unfortunate disability poverty stresses on an individual does not come by …show more content…

Generation after generation, poverty continues to run through families proving that individuals who face poverty are designated to a life of hardship as they will never find success in achieving the dreams to which they aspire. Likewise, in The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald it is shown that Jay Gatsby fails to achieve his desires as society recognizes the poor as different, not belonging with affluent communities even though they may seem to have all the money to offer. These perceptions had ruined Gatsby, leading to his frustration in his failures to find success with Daisy. This is relevant to present society as millions of people continue to struggle because they were born in poverty, and they are eager to find an escape but the community is failing to support them. People must come together to abolish the perceptions that the poor are incapable and the world must be generous to support them in their education, which may help remedy the ailment poverty has been putting on people. For now, poverty continues to serve as a constituent to the failures of many people as they fail to accomplish their aspirations and

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