Examples Of Political Subculture

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It is commonly understood that the perceived culture in Texas is traditional, meaning that we do it the way our grandfathers did it and change can only bring bad results. The individualistic beliefs of state politics can be seen in the support for private business, opposition to big government, and the individual is the important person and anybody else is of little or no importance. Through these ideas, the political subculture of Texas will be defined.
Political Subcultures are widely shared ideas of how the government should function, and work. Political subcultures are important because it allows for a backbone against which politics unravels. It builds up the external furthest reaches of what is conceivable, or even plausible, in the political world. There are three fundamental political subculture categories, which are traditionalistic, moralistic, and individualistic.
These three categories are different in numerous ways, for example, how they were created, the main concept of each culture, and how the government should run, (based on the categories). The traditionalistic beliefs of state politics in Texas are shown by the long history of one-party dominance in the state's politics, the low level of voter turnout, and social and economic conservatism.
Since gaining its …show more content…

However, Texas is best depicted as a Traditionalistic individualistic culture. There are examples that make Texas a traditionalistic- individualistic culture. These examples are: Texas is a one party state, provincialism, and business centered. Texas consistently maintained one party for many centuries. For a century after Reconstruction, the Democratic Party reigned over on all levels of state government. The Republican party now runs Texas government. We, however do not know to what extent Republicans will continue being the dominant party in

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