Examples Of Political Correctness

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Society is constantly changing and evolving. The norms of years past are sometimes considered as the fringe behavior of contemporary society. One of the most prominent examples of the ever-changing societal landscape is that of political correctness. Political correctness as a concept has reached numerous aspects of culture, such as education, science, politics, and everyday life. Over the past few years, the term has been politicized tremendously, affecting the way people behave with one another in everyday life. Political correctness has reached a boiling point, causing significant concern for the way future generations will behave. The first instances of the term “politically correct” began in the 1970s. While there were previous instances of the term used in the 1950’s, the purpose was completely different, referring to Communist ideals. In the 1970’s, the term actually was used in an ironic sense by liberal students, who satirized more right-leaning individuals. The term gained popularity in the 1980s, with “The Closing of the American Mind” by Alan Bloom (Breitbart 2016). The most prominent display of the phrase was in an article in the New York Times by Richard Bernstein, in a series of articles on the
Many examples exist of media pundits and hosts who will go to great lengths to appear to be morally superior and without reproach. In a recent example, a news host Melissa Harris-Perry stated that the term “hard worker” was racist, and should never be used. Ms. Perry considered the term as relating to slavery, to the surprise of her co-hosts who did not believe such a statement. In response, another television personality Mike Rowe stated, “There is no longer a limit to what people can get offended by” (Datoc 2015). In a meaningful way, the politically correct behavior of the media has taken an extreme turn, with unpredictable

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