Examples Of Peaceful Resistance

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Peaceful resistance leads to the evolution of laws and the continued improvement of congress and legislation in a free society. By participating in peaceful resistance, citizens are perfectly capable of making their opinions known and enforcing change in a stagnant era. The people of the country cannot be ignored when being part of protests that lead to actions by the president, the prime minister, or any influencing officer to reach a compromise or simply listen to their requests. Without peaceful resistance, the people lose their voice in an overpowering society ruled by the wealthy and the powerful. In order for a free society to remain free and not become a totalitarian state, peaceful resistance is essential. The most famous acts of peaceful resistance took place during the mid-twentieth century. Martin Luther King Jr., sparked by Rosa Parks and her demonstration against a divided American country, perpetrated these acts. Rosa Parks’ most famous act against segregation was her refusal to obey the Jim Crow Laws, which declared her inferior to the white race. Martin Luther King continued this fight through rallies, conventions, marches, protests, and more. Their efforts led to the repeal of the offensive laws and segregation was dealt a deadly …show more content…

An example in this situation is the famous boxer, Muhammad Ali, who practiced the principle of non-aggression. He refused to comply with the draft during the Vietnam War but accepted the consequences of his actions. His refusal of the draft echoed the thoughts of many Americans during the Vietnam War, a war that many thought was pointless. By standing up for his opinion and withstanding the obstacles, the hatred, the disgrace, he became an idol of sorts. In seeing such an important person turn their back on a government policy, he gave confidence to the common

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