Examples Of Patriarchy In Othello

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First of all, the degradation of female characters builds a culture where males are valued more and therefore hold power while deepening the roots of misogyny. In the text, Desdemona marries the titular character, Othello, against her father’s wishes. Brabantio feels betrayed and extremely angry that his daughter married the Moor, a black man. In his anger, Brabantio warns all “fathers, from hence trust not your daughters’ minds by what you see them act” (1.1.192-193). In not so many words, Brabantio is saying that the actions of a woman are not enough to earn a man’s trust because women will always betray that trust. By making this generalization, the author contributes to the stereotype of women as unfaithful, which can still be seen today through the typical gender role and mistrust of women despite proving themselves reliable. The character Iago, who acts as Othello’s ancient and trusted friend, makes a similar assumption. When asked for his thoughts on women who specifically …show more content…

Through the support of many celebrities both male and female, great advancements have been made for women. However, the amazing strides taken come along with the heartbreaking stories of abuse from both past and present. At the Women’s March of 2018, the singer Halsey shared an emotional poem with the world about her history of sexual abuse. The poem, “Story Like Mine,” tells many stories, one of which goes:
It's 2002 and my family just moved and the only people I know are my mom's friend Sue and her son
He's got a case of Matchbox cars and he says that he'll teach me to play the guitar if I just keep quiet
And the stairwell beside apartment 1245 will haunt me in my sleep for as long as I am alive
And I'm too young to know why it aches in my thighs, but I must lie, I must lie (qtd. in

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