Examples Of Odysseus In The Spongebob

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Although Odysseus is believed to be the ideal hero, Spongebob Squarepants is the real hero. Odysseus has many heroic qualities, but Spongebob’s actions and true intentions in The Spongebob Squarepants Movie prove he is a true hero. Odysseus, during his long journey, exhibited many heroic qualities including bravery, strength, and determination. He was determined to return to his family after hs journey, and he bravely fought to stay alive during the cyclope situation, as well as other situations, and showed strength by being able to battle the cyclopes in self-defense. However, Odysseus was also obnoxiously arrogant about his victory and was actually very selfish throughout his entire story; he almost did not leave his town to help with the war because he did not want to leave to protect his family. Although Odysseus exemplified heroic qualities, this does not make him a true hero. …show more content…

As soon as Spongebob was made aware of the emergency, he volunteered himself to make the long journey to “get the crown, save the town and Mr.Krabs”, and he did this out of selflessness and desire to be helpful. Spongebob was brave and smart while dealing with the man who stole his PattyWagon, as well as when he was trying to evade and defend himself from Dennis, the man hired to kill him. Spongebob was accompanied by Patrick on this journey, and, throughout this journey, he and Patrick both tried to protect each other and even stayed together during the moment in which they were expected to die. Odysseus’ entire crew died before he returned home, and, after he returned home, he continued to savagely murder everyone he thought had disrepected him. Spongebob, however, showed those who had disrespected him mercy. This difference in character is what makes Spongebob a more true

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