Examples Of Nihilism In The Neverending Story

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Though there are many world views present in The Neverending Story, one that tends to be overlooked is Nihilism. Nihilism as it pertains to culture is, “An approach to philosophy that holds that human life is meaningless and that all religions, laws, moral codes, and political systems are thoroughly empty and false” (Nihilism, n.d). In its manifestation, Nihilism is pessimistic. Several of the characters in The Neverending Story show signs of Nihilistic beliefs. These beliefs exhibited by the characters are not constant but show the inner struggle of people when faced with adversity. The first person to express Nihilistic thoughts is Bastian. Though Bastian never flat out says life is meaningless, he does exude pessimism. With the loss of …show more content…

A great example of such is Rockbiter. When Atreyu falls from the sky and onto the beach, he encounters Falkor. Rockbiter lost his companions to “the nothing”, but more importantly, he lost his positive outlook. When faced with adversity, Rockbiter’s morale imploded into a nihilistic outlook. Doubt, sadness, and grief are all common responses to loss, but Rockbiter’s despair goes beyond that. His view is best described in his conversation with Atreyu when he says, “Listen, the nothing will be here any minute. I will just sit here and let it take me away too. They look like big, good, strong hands. Don't they” (Peterson, 1984)? It is not enough to mourn the loss his friends, he willingly chooses to be taken into “the …show more content…

No other character in the film embodies Nihilism quite as much as Morla. In general, Morla’s attitude shows a lack of interested or care for others. This negligence towards extends beyond just scope of others. The ancient turtle is content with the destruction of the world and the loss of life because there is no immediate benefit to helping. Even when Atreyu warns of the possibility of death, Morla responds, “Die? At least that would be something” (Peterson, 1984). A more overt expression of Nihilism is when Morla responds to Atreyu’s persistence by saying, “Nothing matters” (Peterson, 1984). After persistence from Atreyu, Morla reveals the information about the Southern Oracle. Morla’s only reason for helping Atreyu in the end is not that she believes she is doing good, rather she thinks any help she might provide would still be useless to

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