Examples Of Morality In Anthem

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Issues of Morality in Anthem

Written to the response to the consequences of excessive government control, Ayn Rand creates a world in which one’s life is void of any choice of creativity and freedom. Equality 7-2521 is created by Ayn Rand to portray her way of life and the way she lived. Since Ayn Rand was born in Soviet Russia which was under a strong dictatorship where everyone had to be wary of all their actions, she never had the “ultimate freedom”. So when Ayn Rand wrote this book she made Equality 7-2521 similar to herself. Equality 7-2521 is in a state where there is powerful pressure from the government, but he will not betray his values that are important to him. Equality 7-2521 thought that the secrets to his creativity and to everyone’s freedom is not for all men to see but for those who will seek them, and I agree with this because secrets may hold different values for different individuals, and if they believe to seek they shall find what they are looking for.
“The secrets of this earth are not for all men to see, but for only those who will seek them. We know we ...

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