Examples Of Justice In Oedipus The King

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Many novels show a meaning of a tragedy to one of their characters in a story. Each story is different in a way that a treagedy is shown to the audience; however, a similarity in these novels is each searches for justice in the wrong places. Oedipus Rex is a prime example of how a degree of justice that is being looked for can plummet many members together. Oedipus Rex was first viewed as a bold and intelligent leader ti his people in the city of Thebes. Unfortunately, his search for the cause of the plague led him to target himself and bring misery to his family. Oedipus' initial understanding of justice in the beginning of the play is seeking the murderer of Laius and destroy the plague that was intoxicating the city. From the prophecy that he hears from Tiresias he becomes insulted at the way perceives the words that are spoken and comes …show more content…

Oedipus finds out that he is the murderer of his own father and has een involved in the act of incest with his mother which is the source of the plague. The city has lost the king and the king has lost his people. Oedipus physically blinds himself, which only makes Tiresias' prophecy and hints come to life, and it at a loss of what to expect for his daughters in the future. Having left behinds wishes for Creon and ready to be taken out of Thebes, Oedipus awaits the final moment in which he will step off the throne. If he had not been so quick to judge the prophecy that Tiresias gave him, he wouldn't have unleashed as bad a sentence for the murder of ex king Laius. Oedipus realizes that his justice for the city is only injustice for himself, but is hesitant to cope with this fact as he has no clue of what will happen to his city. He did not live the wise life Aristotle had for his people to read and acknowledge in; Oedipus put that aside and acted at full swing without remorse which in the end only gave himself an injust

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