Examples Of Insanity In The Tell Tale Heart

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The Narrator’s Sanity The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines sanity as being “able to anticipate and appraise the effect of one’s actions.” Edgar Allen Poe’s grievous short story “The Tell-Tale Heart” forms an image of the sacred life of a poor old man killed because of its narrator’s irrational phobia of his eye. Though the narrator is driven to murder by this delirious obsession of a neighbor’s eye and possesses no intentions of rationality, his meticulous thinking and flawless execution verifies his mind is sane and stable while committing this crime. The gruesome actions of the narrator are concealed by the perfect planning and cautious actions that are portrayed through his retelling. By flawlessly creeping through the comforting …show more content…

The words “caution” and “foresight” illustrate the countless minutes the narrator thoughtfully took into his time to spy on his next victim. The way he moves so carefully not only exhibits stealthy movement at its finest, but a wonderful demonstration of superb effort. Because he casually crept the old man’s house like it were a breeze with such industry, he confirms his sanity distinctly in the eyes of the readers. Using this stealthy aspect and moving with such comprehension, the narrator readily endures the undertaking of the old man’s precious soul by continuing his crafty work in silence. He mutely lurks, a dark, mysterious figure in the shadows for a continuous eight days, working tremendously, his eyes locked with the lids of the man’s, eyeing the horrendous eye that remains haunting him and cunningly preparing to attack (1). The calm, casual and deceiving presence the narrator acquires promises a good outcome in his malicious plan, for his patience will soon pay off. The utterly planning and beautiful execution renounces his controlled thoughts in a way the most liberal cereal killers would have done

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