Examples Of Heroism In The Crucible

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What does being courageous mean to you? Being courageous could mean dying for a loved one or creating a big lie to save your life. Arthur Miller wrote The Crucible in 1953 to establish what Salem Witch Trials were as well as the many traits the characters had, including courage. In the Crucible many characters illustrated being courageous. Many characters in the crucible showed heroism because of the multiple courageous acts they did. Firstly, Giles Corey died an honorable man by being pressed to death by stones for not speaking a citizens name. Arthur Miller signified courage when Giles said “Great stones they lay upon his chest until plead aye or nay…” (Miller 135). The quote shows that Giles Corey died from being pressed to death because Giles would not let another citizen be hanged by giving his name to the court for accusing Mr. Putman of stealing land. Furthermore, John Proctor is heroic in The Crucible because he was courageous for always telling the truth to the court and others to try and save his family as well as himself from witchcraft. …show more content…

Giles Corey, John Proctor and Abigail Williams show their courage in the play. These characters show examples of what would happen if they were in the real world. Imagine being a parent/adult or a child and having to die for a loved one or lie to everyone to save yourself. John Proctor who is a father and husband, told the truth about his affair to save his wife and children. Giles Corey who is a loving husband to his 3rd wife, died a hero for not only dying for his wife Martha but also for not speaking the name of a citizen and finally Abigail Williams. Abigail, the niece of Reverend Parris not only told the biggest lie to the town of Salem but she also took her uncles money and ran away. Arthur Miller indicated all three of these characters to be courageous in The Crucible. Would you consider Abigail William, John Proctor and Giles Corey to be

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