Examples Of Grendel In Beowulf

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Grendel is a figure feared throughout Scandinavia, he is not only a monster but a man who is miscreant. He is the center of horror because he is always the one to create it. All Grendel is trying to do is place chaos and fear into the minds of the Danes. He is expressing his distaste in Hrothgar's mead hall and what they do in it. Grendel is a man with violence, he is not afraid to kill or cause chaos, he is the reason why the Danes are afraid to sleep every night.
Grendel’s monstrous personality and nack to kill only gives him reputation to be the most feared man throughout the Danes. Every night Grendel will slaughters Danes and feed on their corpses after tearing them limb from limb. Even though he is called human Grendel has lots of traits …show more content…

Most people don't like to be considered an outcast or isolated but Grendel will feed off that kind of negativity. The one thing that Grendel can do besides kill people without mercy is create fear and chaos wherever he is and more importantly where is not. Grendel has this presence about him as well as a reputation that causes people to naturally fear him. For 12 years he has been terrorizing Hrothgar’s mead hall, killing people every night, not even being seen at all. This kind of person will plant fear in anyone causing them to fear the unknown. The people of Hrothgar dread Grendel, they know that it always could be their last night in that mead hall.
Grendels motive to causing all of this chaos is because he does not like people to be happy. It makes him miserable to see people full of joy and happiness. He is the monster that brings fear to the people and he likes that. He knows that this gives him power over everyone else. In order to have power there needs to be fear installed first. Grendel is a man of violence, and is not afraid to show

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