Examples Of Feminism In The Crucible

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Feminism is a range of political movements, ideologies, and social movements that share a common goal: to define, establish and achieve political, economic, personal, and social equality of sexes. This includes seeking to establish educational and professional opportunities for women that are equal to those for men. Now People in this world miss use the word feminism a lot to the point in which it not even sexist anymore. In the article Declaration of Sentiment and
Resolutions, it tells us of what feminism stands for and a general gist of what it means. Basically, it states that women should have the right to equal pay, education, and rights, but in today's data women and men use feminism to overpower someone else. For example, if a guy was to say to women, "if you could cook …show more content…

In the end, she never could fight for herself because she was never taught to fight back. In the end, she was forced to switch side two times because they both threaten her with her life and at the full end of the book she ran away with the person that tries to kill her scared of her life.
Upon both books of Rappaccini daughter and The Crucible is the same, but still very different. For example, in the book Rappaccini daughter she was excluded from life and was forced into thing even if she wasn’t for it like the poison touch. Also in the story The Crucible mary warren she was open to the world but seems she was a girl she really couldn’t fight back, all she could do was try to stay alive until the end. Also in both passage they were both moves by men like a pond the only difference was is that one could fight back, but just didn’t as the other couldn’t or else she would die. Life back then and now is a hard and dangerous one, but in the end, we just do as we are told and most of the time don’t get a say on it and some people might be fine with it. For those people who are good for you, but those who fight, fight to live win

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