Examples Of Courage In To Kill A Mockingbird

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The central thematic topic in To Kill a Mockingbird is courage and throughout the novel it teaches us that courage in life comes in a wide variety of different forms, from mental to physical, and that courage isn't always obvious. To Kill a Mockingbird was written by Harper Lee and was first published on July 11, 1960. Around this time America is greatly struggling with racial discrimination and equality, and in this novel, it explicitly focuses on this topic. The outstanding thematic topic in To Kill a Mockingbird is courage which is found throughout the entire novel and it is woven through each and every character, there are several influential examples of this, but I will focus on the three most significant ones which are, Atticus taking …show more content…

This represents a great deal of courage because of how Boo is continually oppressed by the wrath of Mr. Radley and later Nathan Radley, and Boo full well knows the ramifications that would come out of him escaping the house, even if it was to save two little kids, so I believe that this would have required plenty of courage. Another thing that would have required an immense amount of courage because Boo hadn’t been out of the house in over 15-years and he full well knew that there was a lot of mystery shrouding who he actually was and his full story, so him venturing out of the house required that extra amount of courage because he knew that he would have to face the town for the first time in 15+ years.”Boo was about 6 and a half feet tall, judging from his tracks, he dined on raw squirrels and any cats he could find that’s why his hands were bloodstained… there was a long jagged scar that ran across his face.”(Lee 14)-Scouts account that she's put together from the rumors that she has heard about Boo. Boo knows that there are several nasty rumors about him circulating around Maycomb but he gathers a substantial amount of courage and still goes out to save Jem and Scout, even though he knows that some people have some pretty mean and controversial opinions on him. This would have also demanded a considerable amount of courage because Boo knew that the children were scared of him because of all the rumors so he had absolutely no idea how they would react, whether they would be forever gracious

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