Examples Of Chaos In Macbeth

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Deep: Macbeth’s downfall and resultant chaos are shown through many instances by Shakespeare’s use of blood imagery. During Shakespeare’s time, society believed that the world was arranged in layers. These layers would be affected by extreme actions in the mortal world. Shakespeare uses this idea frequently throughout the play. This is shown by the chaos that results from Macbeth’s actions. Blood imagery shows the extent to which Macbeth has fallen mentally and physically. The first example of blood imagery is after Macbeth sees Banquo’s ghost, and this disturbs his conscious as well as his mental state. Macbeth’s state of mind is shown by his words: “I am in blood / Stepped in so far that, should I wade no more, / Returning were as tedious as go o’er”(3.4.137-139). …show more content…

The second example is when Lennox talks about killing Macbeth right before the final scene. This example of imagery does not specifically mention blood, but blood is suggested as it deals will killing Macbeth. Lennox suggests that “Or so much as it needs, / To dew the sovereign flower and drown the weeds. / Make we our march towards Birnam” (5.2.29-31). This quote explains that Macbeth’s reign of chaos is at an end. The blood imagery also shows that one of the witches’ prophecies has been fulfilled and Macbeth’s death is inevitable. Mack Maynard, author of Everybody’s Shakespeare Reflections Chiefly on the Tragedies and a Yale scholar says,“Yet it finally covers anything that Macbeth has touched, in ways qualitative and quantitative that real blood cannot”(191). Mack suggests that blood imagery covers everything Macbeth has done, and it explains things that cannot be explained otherwise. Shakespeare’s numerous examples of blood imagery explain how Macbeth’s grave deeds lead to his downfall and creates chaos by using blood or suggesting

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