Example Of Plagiarism In College

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Aloha friends! Dach here! Okay, so one form of plagiarism would be failing to properly reference and cite your source(s). Here are a few examples: A. I quote directly from a source, and use quotation marks, but forget to add an in-text citation. Incorrect Example: According to this article I found online “the Royal Brightish Aerial Initiative codenamed their ultra-super-secret land-battleship project ‘tank’ because the head coordinator in charge had a fondness for aquariums.” Wow! This is some totally serious stuff! Correct Example: According to Pickypedia contributor Dach (2016) “the Royal Brightish Aerial Initiative codenamed their ultra-super-secret land-battleship project ‘tank’ because the head coordinator in charge had a fondness …show more content…

Not only does hydrogen gas have more lifting potential than helium gas, it is also has a higher combustion volatility potential, which’d give us quite a splendid fiery lightshow if something went wrong.” (p.1) So, onto the next! How would plagiarism harm me as a student? Well, to start, if I was found committing plagiarism, the suspension of my studies or court punishment would not be the only things impacting my academic & career future. Even if I initially didn’t get caught stealing others’ ideas and works, how long could I possibly pretend until I slip somewhere? Then my dishonest actions would be exposed, and I would realize how foolish I had been. Committing plagiarism, as I see it, is undeniably a morally and mentally degrading act. I believe it can even be called a form of …show more content…

I know I would most certainly become terribly enraged and grab a kn… and then (“Okay, Dach. Ya need to calm down.”) … then… I… I’d follow through with my Personal Pledge below! The impact of one student plagiarizing would have a ripple-effect on his/her peers. If I knew one of my peers was going to possibly copy my work and steal it, I’d probably go paranoid and write “this paper was written by me, Dach!!!!!” all over my assignment! (But you can imagine how that would utterly ruin it.) My Personal Pledge: Says Dach, As a scholar at the University of the People, I hereby pledge to adhere by the standards to the General Code of Conduct, located on pages 88 through 89 of the UoPeople Catalog. I will also adhere by the standards of the Code of Academic Integrity, located on pages 89 through 91. Signed Dach, April 17, 2016 Alright! That’s all for now! Looking forward to seeing what my fellow peers have to say about the subject! Dach, over and

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