Evil In Lord Of The Flies By William Golding

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In William Golding’s novel, Lord of the Flies, Golding conveys a theme that all people are inherently evil. The first way Golding displays this theme is Simon’s death. For example, when the boys are ripping and tearing Simon apart while chanting, “‘Kill the beast! Cut his throat! Spill his blood!’ Simon was crying out something about a dead man on the hill . . . They leapt on the beast, screamed, struck, bit, tore … The tearing of teeth and claws,” (Golding 152-153). Almost everyone at the feast was in the chant and dance, and it turned everyone into savages and animals. Additionally, Simon had information to save everyone, and they killed him. Another example that displays the animalistic behavior of the boys is that after being on the island long enough, they eventually tear a boy of their own to …show more content…

Spill his blood!’” (Golding 152). They tore Simon to shreds with their teeth and hands that Golding described as claws. The boys became the beast that they had feared for so long, and forgot who they were. Golding demonstrates though the chant that these children enjoy the spilling of a living creature's blood, which in turn makes them inherently evil. The second way Golding develops this theme is the portrayal of Ralph’s followers denial of the vicious murder. For instance, the conversation between Ralph and Piggy the morning after the murder, “At last Ralph stopped. ‘Piggy,’ ‘That was Simon. That was murder.’... ‘Don't you understand Piggy? The things we did...’” (Golding 156-157). Ralph’s followers represent the civility that is left on the island, and this quote demonstrates that Ralph's group was denying their involvement in the murder of Simon, whereas Ralph was the only one out of the group to be rational and inform everyone of what they have done. The denial of the ripping apart of Simon suggests that they didn’t know they were capable of being violent enough to tear a human being, a close friend at that, to shreds with their “claws” and

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