Everything Stuck To Him By Raymond Carver Analysis

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“Everything Stuck to Him” In the short story "Everything Stuck to Him” by Raymond Carver a girl in Milan for Christmas wants to know about her past. The boy in the story tells his daughter about the past but it involves her in a minor way. The boy tells the story from his perspective. The story begins by saying how in love this couple is with their new baby that is about three months old. The boy calls up his old hunting buddy and they decide to make a hunting trip the next day. The boy walked down stairs to get all of his hunting gear ready. The boy tells the girl and she is perfectly fine about the trip. After dinner the boy helps the girl bathe the baby. Once the bath was down, the family got ready for bed. About half way through the night, the baby started to cry. The boy wakes up and see’s the girl holding the baby. The boy offers to hold the baby while the girl gets some sleep. The boy put the baby down and went back to sleep. A few minutes later, the baby began to cry some more. The boy swore and the girl got all angry at him. The girl thinks the baby is sick but the boy does not. The girl began to cry. The boy goes to get coffee ready and get his hunting gear on. The girl does not think the boy should go hunting due to the baby crying. The boy ends up putting all of his hunting gear on and going out to the car. when he gets in the car he realises that he should stay …show more content…

Once he goes back into the house, the girl makes him pancakes and they have a happy breakfast.The story is telling the daughter how difficult life can be to make decisions about

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