Evaluative Essay On Little Brother By Bruce Halland Rogers

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Little Brother™ Evaluative Essay Bruce Halland Rogers does an effective job fitting the story Little Brother into the guidelines of Vonnegut’s rules for writing a short story. The story focuses on a mom and a son in a universe where robots are personified by their human-like emotions and characteristics. Peter, the main character, receives a robot (Little Brother™) as a gift. Although he originally really wanted one, he later changed his mind and the story ends with the reader inferring that he too, is a robot. This story is efficiently fitting the profile of a short story based on many of Vonnegut’s guidelines, such as: It gives one character to root for, everyone in the story wants something, and that something vexatious happens to the …show more content…

Peter quickly becomes the antagonist of the story because of his impatience towards Little Brother™. Even though Little Brother™ keeps befouling Peter’s toys, “Every time Peter had a few blocks stacked up, Little Brother™ swatted the tower and laughed,”(25) the reader does not see Little Brother™ as the one out of line. Because Little Brother™ is only a baby, he fits the behavioral code for people of that age and the way he is acting is seen as reasonable. Peter gets frustrated that Little Brother™ keeps messing with his toys. Peter gets so upset that he shuts him off by turning off a switch on the back of his neck. When he turns Little Brother™ off, Little Brother™ can still see and hear, but cannot move; which scares him. After Little Brother™ knocked over Peter’s block tower, Peter turned him off. Peter’s mother scolded him, “‘Babies do things like that,’ mommy said. ‘That’s what it’s like to have a baby brother,’”(26). This response from Peter’s mother made Peter even angrier at Little Brother™, “‘He’s stupid! I hate him!’”(27). Because of Peter’s aggressive attitude towards his robotic little brother, the reader feels sympathy for Little Brother™, causing them to root for …show more content…

Peter scares him and turns him off many times. This makes his mother angry, “‘You are not to turn him off again. Ever!’”(26). Peter threatens both Little Brother™ and his mom by saying, “‘ I’ll turn him off if you don’t take him back. I’ll turn him off and hide him someplace where you can’t find him!’”(27). Because the reader is rooting for Little Brother™, they can infer that something bad will happen to Peter; who is the leading character, yet also the antagonist. Consequently, His mom is furious with him, but instead of the usual punishment (a spanking), she puts her fingers on the back of his neck. That action his mom makes, is leaving the reader to deduce that he is also a robot. Karma came back around to Peter in the way that he treated his Little Brother™ inhumanly, but turns out that he, himself is not human

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