Evaluating The Effectiveness Of Your Development Process

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What technique or strategy would you apply to evaluate the effectiveness of your development processes?
To measure the effectiveness of a development process, you have to examine how it links your objectives to the way you plan to achieve them and the means you plan to use. A development process is effective if it uses the resources you allocate according to your plan and delivers the expected results. You have to continually evaluate use of resources and performance to check if your development process is hitting your targets.
Develop Measurable Strategies
To determine if a development process is effective, you have to be able to measure its performance and check whether it will achieve your company's objectives. For example, if your development process is to develop a new market, you have to include a specific goal and a way to measure how many of the members of the new market are buying your products. If you need a development process to improve customer service, you have to include a target, such as percentage of customer issues resolved to the customer's satisfaction, and a way to measure progress, such as customer surveys.
Measure Your Variables During Implementation …show more content…

For your measurements to be useful in a continuous evaluation of development process effectiveness, the targets have to be achievable and relevant to the development process, and the results must be available in a timely fashion so your evaluation is current. For example, you can implement a development process to increase sales by 1,000 units over three months from a present level of 8,000 units. The sales values are specific and relevant, and you can measure them rapidly to get up-to-date

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