Euthanasia Essay - Artificial Life or Natural Death?

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Artificial Life or Natural Death?

Euthanasia has been a hotly debated about topic for the past couple of

decades, but has recently been thrust into the limelight by many controversial

court and hospital decisions.

Euthanasia is defined as the "mercy killing" of a person who is brain

dead, terminally ill or otherwise at death's door. This usually, but not

necessarily, affects people who are are separated from death only by machines.

Whether you personally believe "mercy killing" is a viable solution in a

hopeless situation or not the proponents for both sides provide arguments that

can be quite convincing. Supporters of euthanasia say that it is such an

improbability for a miraculous recovery and a return to a normal life that it is

not worth putting the patient through all the suffering and agony that

prolonging their life would cause or the fortune of hospital bills that you

would pay. The opposition feels that it is not right for people to abandon other

members of the human race because there is always a chance, even though it is a

small one, that they will regain all functons and return to a normal life.

There are many cases in which euthanasia is acceptable. Brain death is

one situation which merits euthanasia. It is also one of the more common cases

where euthanasia is requested. Brain death is when all brain activities cease.

The lines are fairly well drawn in the law about patients who are

suffering but are still compotent, but when the law is asked to determine the

fate of a lingering, comatose, incompotent patient the lines begin to blur. In

many cases the courts turned to the patient's family, but what if there are not

any or they disagree? In such cases who decides? In a controversial decision a

Massachusetts court allowed that it would invoke its own "substitute judgement"

on behalf of a mentally ill woman. In a second case mentioned in the January 7

issue of Newsweek, a Minnesota Surpreme court turned to three hospital ethics

committees to review a dying loner's case, followed their collected wisdom and

ordered him off the respirator so that he could have a dignified death. "It is

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